~courtesy of The Scranton Journal, photos by GreeneCountyNewsOnline
Almost 200 beef producers, friends and business associates gathered at Clover Hall in Jefferson on the Greene County Fairgrounds Saturday evening to support the Greene County Cattlemen’s Association at their 86th annual meeting. It was a banner evening for the group as they raised $20,175 through the auction of Greene County Fair trophies, prints and other services.
A new feature was added to the event this year with a trade show featuring ag businesses showcasing their wares and services prior to the start of the evening festivities.
Landus Cooperative was the corporate sponsor of the event with Lee Arnold addressing the crowd. Mike Holden gave the invocation.

The start of the program was delayed slightly as the Iowa State Wrestling Tournament was livestreamed. Participating in the Class 2A championship round at 106 pounds was McKinley Robbins, son of Justin Robbins, who is vice president of the Cattlemen. He placed second.
The meal featured steaks grilled by the “Ribeye Steak Master Grillers” Jonathon Marshall, Jack Williams, Ben Gannon and Bob Bills. The remainder of the meal was provided by Lidderdale Country Store.
Jennifer Carrico provided an update on the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, pointing out action in the legislature and other important information.

President Tom Lawton welcomed everyone, explaining the Association got its start in 1934. Although the name has changed over the years, their mission remains the same: supporting and promoting the production and consumption of beef. He read the names of families who have had three and even four generations serve on the Cattlemen’s board.
Special recognition was given to the 2019 beef scholarship winners: Arthur Bardole, Jake Berns, Gina Brown, Melanie Doran, Bryce Hoyle, Emma Schroeder, Maria Tasler, Mariah Tasler and Brock Wuebker.
Crying the sale were auctioneers Terry Laughery of Guthrie Livestock in Guthrie Center and Jon Schaben of Dunlap Livestock. They kept the bidding moving and lively, having a little fun with the crowd.

HyVee purchased the Grand Champion 4-H Market Animal trophy for $1,050, giving the firm a good start on the traveling trophy which they eventually won by bidding $1,450. Hamilton Redi Mix was runner-up in the race for the traveling trophy, spending $1,375.
Most trophies sold for $300 – $500. Home State Bank bid $750 for the Champion Junior Showmanship award.
Serving as officers and directors of the Cattlemen’s Association are Tom Lawton, president; Justin Robbins, vice president and District 8 director; Brandon Muir, treasurer; Justin Muir, secretary / social media; Ben Gannon, grilling contact; Tanner Lawton, membership coordinator and Northwest Iowa Coordinator; Bob Bills, Mike Holden, Patrick Minnehan, Derek Kennedy and Mike Klauer.

2019 was a productive and busy year with the Cattlemen filing this report:
• Worked at the Beef Quarters at the Iowa State Fair
• Handed out “Pat’s Sliders” at the Bell Tower Parade
• Supported Iowa 4-H Foundation
• Provided scholarships for Greene County applicant winners and County Fair beef exhibitors
• Grilled for these events: Relay for Life, Bell Tower Festival, Grand Junction sesquicentennial, Scranton community fundraiser, Pee Wee football Kickoff, Greene County elementary school tailgate, homecoming tailgate, Greene County Fair BBQ, Hot August Night, The Forge open house, The Amazing Race, Little League baseball / softball, Peoples Bank, Home State Bank, Greene County School lunch, Greene County football and Homecoming lunch
• Donations: ICA Carcass Challenge, Scholarships, Donation to Nebraska Cattlemen hurt by flooding in 2019, Isiserettes at Bell Tower Festival, purchased FFA jackets for the fourth year, Greene County ARC, Tub for Loadout at Greene County Fair, Greene County Beef Show trophies and banners, Forge meal, Beef certificates during Beef Month, Advertising for Beef on KGRA
Total donations made by Greene County Cattlemen in 2019: $19,776.